“Impact”, a solo exhibition by Brighteye
780 W. Main St Boise
ID 83702
The show IMPACT by BrightEye, is a mixed media (mostly acrylic and spray paint) collection of work combining a look at nature, current events, culture, a broken system and often poking fun at the blissfully ignorant masses. Featuring wood panel and skate deck pieces. This work is a presentation of brightly colored imagery to spark the viewer’s first glance, with the purpose of holding their attention to look deeper, and engage with the sometimes darker subject matter.
This collection of work also includes the current in progress series, PRO-TECT that easily fits in with the other work included in this show. The PRO-TECT series is simply a presentation of animals that need our protection to continue to live in peace on this planet without the question of their continued existence. A look at the animals that are near possible extinction.
IMPACT is a look at subjects that we quietly deny and often push under the rug hoping they will disappear. With some of the work having a more gritty and harsh result, but also work with a softer or more humorous side. We aren’t perfect as the human race, but there are always things to better about ourselves and the world around us. This show is a look at facing these issues that are right in front of us, as in, there is no denying it. We can change this world from being on the verge of destruction or we can continue to destroy ourselves, and this show points that out with paint.
To sum it up IMPACT explores more political and news driven work. Hoping for a reaction within the viewer with a more in-your-face type of message; not just a look at the fantastical but a look at the true-to-life issues that are influencing the world today. From either point of view, or style if you will, the purpose is to draw the viewer in with an impactful message or a fun visual experience. The point is to create and explore not only what is inside the artist, but to also have an impact on the audience, be it positive or negative. People can embrace or possibly even reject the art based on reaction, contemplation, or meaning. If you walk away with a smile across your face, a question on your mind, or a feeling in your gut, this show has done its job.